jeudi 4 décembre 2008

Nouveau Service Franchise

Vous souhaitez partir vous installer aux Etats-Unis, vous avez un capital de disponible mais ne savez quel type de société lancer!

Grâce à un nouveau partenariat, My French Network, peut maintenant vous assister maintenant dans le choix de Franchise. Après étude de vos besoins, de vos motivations, de vos centres d’intérêts et de votre capital, grâce à une consultation de 2 heures par téléphone avec notre expert, nous pourrons vous orienter vers la franchise idéale.

We will ask you many detailed questions to determine the business characteristics that match best with you. We will work with you to find the right opportunities consistent with your answers to questions like:
-What are your reasons for wanting a business of your own?
-Have you ever owned a business of your own?
-What hours do you like to work?
-Where do you want your business to be located?
-How do you feel about managing people?
-How much capital do you have to start a business with?
-Will you have partners?
-Do you want to build multiple units?
-How soon do you want your business to open?
-Will you be involved on a full-time or part-time basis?

These are just a few of the many vital issues we'll discuss with you. Then, we'll help narrow down your choices to those that best match your wants and needs with the goal of finding a great match for you.

N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour plus d’information sur cette nouvelle prestation. Cliquez ici
(Précisez Franchise dans la partie commentaire)

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